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Unmounted dried insects for sale – list December 2023

Dear friends, colleagues and customers,

Please find attached the latest list list of dried insects (Lepidoptera, butterflies and moths) updated by 5 December 2023 which is now online! The below list consists in the full set of papered unmounted Lepidoptera which are nowavailable for sale and ready to be shipped out.

The dried insects catalogue is published as a pdf document in our news section where you can easily download it. Please find it below in this article. The turnover of dried specimens available is very high making it not possible to upload one by one these insect specimens in the shop as normal items.

In order to complete your purchase, you need to write us an email at including the list of selected items + any additional information that you may need. We will get back soon with a custom quote. Mind to let us know your full delivery address + phone number. Clients are served on a first come, first served basis.

Caligo memnon for sale
Beautiful specimen of Caligo memnon, example of the A1 ex-pupa mint quality we offer

Have a look to our dried insect catalogue which mostly consist in Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Saturniidae and Sphingidae. This list has been updated on 5 December 2023. These specimens are ideal for insect collectors, craft artists and everybody with a passion for insects.

In case on any question or doubt you can contact us via email for more information and pictures of the desired specimens. All coded specimens do have pictures with open and closed wings. All the dried Lepidoptera shown below have been carefully dried and papered. They will be shipped in a safe box, with several layers of protection, to ensure their integrity. We commit to the highest quality material and service.

If you are a trader or you forward a specific stock which is not yet in our catalogue, mind that we offer stock production of dried butterflies and moths on request. If you need a specific species in large numbers, we can produce it for you!

Dried insects – download the full catalogue here

Special offers of the month are higlighted in ORANGE
Naturally dead (non-killed) specimens are labelled as “n.d.” in the Quality column

Place your order via email at, safe payment through paypal, bank transfer or debit/credit card. Please don’t hesitate in writing us if you have any question or doubt about the specimens.

Dried insects – highlights of 2023

The current list of dried insects includes a set of 1500+ unmounted Lepidoptera from more than 20 countries worldwide. The vaste majority of these specimens are captive reared at the Time To Breed facility (ex-pupa). Unless otherwise specified they are intended to be farmed and not wild collected. We are also offering naturally dead specimens, which have been reared by us and could complete their life cycle here at the Time To Breed insect facility, such insects were not suppressed. Please find them in catalogue labelled as “n.d.” in the quality column

Several special items have been highlighted at the bottom of the catalogue: aberrations and rare forms from our collection that are for sale. Don’t miss the opportunity to get one of these unique specimens.

A new set of Papilio palinurus and Papilio rumanzovia is now available. Beautiful and large size animals reared at our facility. We offer all qualities including mint A1 specimens, A1- which are still very good ones and A2 for a cheap price. Ideal species for framers and butterfly artists. You will hardly see such high quality Papilio palinurus butterflies in the market.

butterfly collection
Miscellaneous mounted butterflies which are used used for collections, frames and artworks

In addition, the new dried insect list comes with several new offers for wholesale purchases. We sell packs of 50x Hypolimnas bolina A1 butterflies for only 90,00€. These butterflies have wonderful blue wings and are largely used for frame display and decoration.

Dried insects Newsletter Subscribe Form and Ebay account

We offer a constant turnover of different species of dried insects. Stay tuned on new arrivals throughout the year by subscribing to our newsletter. In case you want to be automatically notified when new products are available, Here you will find the newsletter subscribe form.

Time To Breed is active on Ebay with a set of new offers, please check our new account. Private dealing is welcome. We are planning a new insect auction by the beginning of the new season2024.

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