Products readily available in stock – FAST SHIPPING

Dear friends, colleagues and customers, we are back with a new selection of 14 species of butterfly and moth pupae, imported from the Philippines, Asia. The pupae are already available in our shop, shipping of pupae will start 15 February onwards. Limited quantity available!

In the present article we introduce the list of the new butterfly and moth pupae available in our store, please mind to read the descriptions and inform yourself about the life cycle of the species that you wish to purchase. Mind to read carefully our shipping disclaimer and the terms of service.

If you are looking for a custom purchase or need any additional cares for your parcel, please reach us out via email

Live butterfly pupae from the Philippines

We offer a range of 13 diurnal butterflies, most of them feed on common hosts and can be reared in captivity. Butterflies in the list display a great variety of colors, behaviors and shapes, ideal for any display. Stay tuned for updates by subscribing our newsletter in our contact section.

The Lepidoptera pupae below are perfect for greenhouses or medium-large breeding environments. Please mind that diurnal butterflies emerge fast, thus we cannot ship any of the following species outside the EU. Orders within EU will require a fast shipping method (Express courier).

2,80EUR each – Papilio polytes
2,70EUR each – Doleschallia bisaltide
3,00EUR each – Papilio lowi
3,20EUR each – Papilio rumanzovia
3,40EUR each – Papilio palinurus
2,70EUR each – Hypolimnas bolina
2,80EUR each – Idea leuconoe
3,00EUR each – Graphium agamennon
2,80EUR each – Cethosia biblis
2,80EUR each – Idea leuconoe
2,80EUR each – Hebomoia glaucippe
2,80EUR each – Parthenos sylvia
2,70EUR each – Doleschallia bisaltide
2,80EUR each – Philippines butterfly MIX 10pcs
2,60EUR each – Philippines butterfly MIX 20pcs
2,45EUR each – Philippines butterfly MIX 50pcs
Butterfly pupae for sale at discount prices, buy here.
Hypolimnas bolina female
Hypolimnas bolina female from Philippines

Live moth pupae from the Philippines, Saturniidae

Saturniidae, which are commonly known as saturnids, consists in family of Lepidoptera with an estimated 2,300 described species. This family contains some of the largest species of moths in the world and we are very happy to offer, despite being only one species, one of the largest living moth in the world. You can order moth pupae directly from our SHOP.

4,00EUR each – Attacus lorquinii
Moth pupae for sale, buy here.

Adults of these large and stunning Asian moths will emerge from pupae in approximately 2-4 weeks. Pairing them can be obtained in medium size (40x60cm) cages. Moth pupae need to be kept humid, being careful of avoiding excess of water that can cause mold to grow. High temperatures will help in synchronizing adults’ emergence. Attacus lorquinii emergence is much more rapid compared to the famous Attacus atlas, the giant Atlas moth. Despite being sligthly smaller, the Lorquini atlas moth is very attractive and beautiful to rear. Attacus lorquinii larvae present typical yellow spikes on the dorsal side of the body.

Shipping disclaimer and terms of service for live Lepidoptera pupae

Please read carefully the text below in order to understand the different shipping options for live butterfy and moth pupae, all from the Philippines. Please mind that choosing the right shipping method is key to receive the material in good conditions. Policies for shipping will be divided according to the Lepidoptera categories offered. If you are ordering from Italy, pay attention to the last chapter.

Papilio lowi female
Beautiful Papilio lowi female, the great yellow mormon.

Moth pupae and cocoons shipping policy

Saturniidae pupae are shipped from Italy, in this case Attacus lorquinii pupae only. We do cover all orders sent towards EU by guarantee if they are done with courier shipment (both normal 18EUR and express options 35EUR). Although we can ship Saturniidae pupae worldwide, we do not assume any responsibility for orders sent outside EU.

Butterfly pupae shipping policy

Butterfly pupae are shipped from Italy. We do cover all orders of diurnal butterfly pupae from the Philippines sent towards EU by guarantee only if they are done with express courier shipment (35EUR option), standard courier oprtion for 18,00EUR is still a valuable alternative considering the low temperatures of the season which will dealy butterfly emergence. Unfortunately, given their fast emergning time, we cannot deliver butterfly pupae worldwide, we will cancel and refund immediately any order received from outside EU containing these species.

Butterflies and moths shipping policies for Italy

If you order from Italy, please select the priority shipping option for 11EUR, your pupae will be sent with 24-48h courier and all of them (butterflies and moths) will be covered by 100% guarantee. If you have any doubt, feel free to write us for more details.

Terms of service and contacts

Any claim for butterfly and moth pupae must be submitted max 48h after the arrival of the parcel. Claims received after this period can be refused. We commit to offer the best service possible in order to deliver smoothly and safely. For any additional information please write to

If you want lo learn more on tropical butterflies, we suggest to visit Project Noah page

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