Products readily available in stock – FAST SHIPPING

Info and Shipping

Dear customers, please find below general informations about our service and shipment of good. For any information or doubt do not hesitate in contacting us at

Updated on 13 march 2021. Time To Breed B.V. – KvK number 81935218 – 3011TA Netherlands

Customer service in ENG / ESP / ITA

Yes, we talk different languages and we can answer you questions in English. Si, hablamos diferentes idiomas y podemos contestar a tus preguntas en Espanol. Si, parliamo diverse lingue e possiamo rispondere alle tue domande in Italiano. Well, we might make some spelling mistake, but we try to understand each other. Luckily the species’ names are still in Latin!

Social Media

TTB has become social, follow us on Instagram @timetobreed or FaceBook

Mailing List

TTB mailing list has been created! If you want to be updated on new livestock arrivals (via e-mail) please enter you email in the form you wil find in the bottom of the page. You will get an e-mail before new offer are advertised, NO SPAM, guaranteed! We reserve special offers and exclusive products for our mailing list subscribers which are not visible by other visitors.

Shipping informations

Tracked shipping (same delivery time) can be requested at the checkout for additional +6€ on the standard shipping cost

Shipping with courier (2-4 days delivery) can be requested at the checkout for €24 in total. Courier ship is available only for EU countries. 

Our products are located in different facilities, based in different EU countries. This is the reason why you may find discrepancies in shipping costs. For some products shipping can be combined, for others is necessary to send separate parcels and thus pay additional shipping costs. Don’t worry, the website system calculates this autonomously! Just prepare the shopping cart and the total amount for ship will be calculated. 

Parcels which are located in our italian facilities are sent out only with priority shipping, in order to ensure the quick and safe arrival of goods. This is subjected to a +€1,5 increase on standard shipping cost.

Increasing the number of a single product may result in increased shipping cost, this is calculated according to postal weight thresholds. Eggs not affect the weight of letters/parcels.

*With ordinary ships, the customer accepts the risk of product depletion, delays or losses during the delivery. Ordinary postal service has worked properly for thousands of parcels but, sometimes, post could be slow, especially in holiday periods. We always try to refund damaged customers but we are not responsible for any kind of problem linked to shipping conditions. To avoid postal problems we always ship standardized and safe parcels and TTB scored a percentage close to 100% of parcel arrived safe during past years (EU and major extra EU countries). Shipping outside EU is done at buyer’s risk.

Shipping conditions:

Parcels are prepared following quality standards to protect stock’s health. TTB parcels are composed of recycled materials. TTB is committed to reduce wastes and to optimize the ratio between safety of materials and use of resources.

Eggs are shipped into 1,5ml or 0,5ml microcentrifuge tubes to protect their integrity. Tubes are placed into small hemp derived envelopes, protected with an additional air bubble layer. Cocoons are shipped into recycled carton boxes. Depending on the strength of the material, different layers of protection will be added. Is possible to ask for styro-boxes. This is suitable if you are ordering during a cold month and want to ensure additional safety to your livestock.

Product guarantees

If the live product you ordered (for any reason not linked to postal delays) arrives damaged, we offer 100% re-ship or 100% refund according to your preferences! This rule applies only for orders within the EU, unless otherwise stated in the product. Please read carefully the shipping disclaimer any time you purchase a live product. In case of problems just write us an email at We will ask a picture of the dead/damage material in order to confirm the refund. Claims done more than 48h after reception of any live product may not be accepted.

For products other than livestock, we do offer the same guarantee.

In case of problems:

In case of problems of any kind with TTB’s material or service, just Contact Us and we will find the best solution.